Adriana Vela
Founder and Principal of MarketTecNexus
“Improving the Human Condition with Brain Science”
Improving the Human Condition with Brain Science For three decades, Adriana Vela, Founder, MarketTecNexus LLC, has been an ardent observer of technology and behavioral trends using systems thinking to anticipate the negative impact of disruption on businesses and how to minimize it. Adriana’s life has been about creative problem-solving since her formative years. It was always about figuring out how to overcome economic hurdles, obstacles or escape ‘crab mentality.’ Professionally, it was to capture early mover advantages based on observed trends. It is no surprise that technology innovation plays a dominant role in her work and why she got good at anticipating disruptions – whether driven by market shifts, disruptive technologies, or changes in social and behavioral norms.
Adriana’s #1 corporate value is empowerment, which drives the company’s mission to Improve the Human Condition. She calls on her multi-disciplinary, multifunctional, and multi-industry background that keeps her at the forefront of technology and scientific innovations. “I firmly believe that we have trained our brains to work against us and not for us, and this is causing a lot of unnecessary suffering,” she says. “This needs to stop because we live in an increasingly VUCA world (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous). New ways of thinking are needed to manage in this world.”
Having grown up with adversity and challenges, Adriana learned to be agile and a quick study. Despite this, she is no stranger to the pressure of underlying double standards in workplaces because of her decisiveness and directness. Qualities that are lauded in men but found to be threatening or aggressive in women. Adriana recalls her professional attire mirroring men’s suits and colors when meeting with C-level executives. “To be taken seriously, you almost had to look like them. We’ve come a long way since, but statistics still show women experiencing sexual harassment, pervasive stereotypes, and lack of advancement opportunities, especially in male-dominated industries.”
“When you know your brain, you start leading yourself - lead yourself first before leading others.”
Having conquered numerous obstacles, Adriana has an unwavering commitment to advancing women leaders through exclusive women’s empowerment training programs. When combined with brain science coaching techniques, women can break the barriers that hold them back. “Women represent 45% of the S&P 500 workforce but only 4% of the CEOs. Globally, women hold only 24% of leadership positions,” she explains. “While we are seeing more women leaders emerge, it is not enough to balance the scales and create meaningful change.”
Adriana says that for centuries, women have been victims of their circumstances with no power or say, but women leaders outright refuse to be victims and ardently work to change their situations. “I carved many new paths for myself and fervently fought off the obstacles along the way, from escaping poverty to securing my education to growing my career and becoming an entrepreneur,” elucidates Adriana.
“As a female leader, the biggest lesson that I learned came from discovering that I did not know myself as well as I thought I did. Despite my strength and prowess, I fell into a two-year bout of depression after a car accident. Desperate to end my pain, I invested years researching psychology and cognitive science to understand how to make the brain work for you and not against you. While painful, my experience ultimately made me a better human being, and my life has been incredible since.” Armed with brain science techniques and neuroscience-backed tools and programs, Adriana has taken the company to new heights.
MarketTecNexus was born out of a culmination of more than three decades of technology and behavior trends expertise, years of psychology and cognitive science research, together with professional training and certifications in behaviors, motivators, and emotional intelligence. “This is my most exciting venture because I get to deliver exponential value to teams, leaders, and companies with holistic human-first performance systems to help grow a new crop of future-ready leaders.” Adriana assists companies and leaders improve their odds in the ever-evolving VUCA world by getting ahead of disruptions. Her brain science training and advisory solutions are designed to reduce or eliminate unnecessary suffering in the workplace and social environments. When fully integrated, clients emerge stronger, more vital, and sitting firmly in the driver’s seat of their life and thriving. IEWL
Adriana Vela
Founder and Principal of
Who: MarketTecNexus is an advisory & consultancy firm specializing in human capital optimization, managing disruptions, and developing future-readiness. What: We equip leaders with proprietary systems that allow them to become massively productive and sought after companies for great talent.