Elizabeth Bickley, COO at KF Health, Top 10 Inspiring Women Leaders of 2022 Profile

Elizabeth Bickley
KF Health

Elizabeth Bickley, COO at KF Health, Top 10 Inspiring Women Leaders of 2022

Cultivating The Next Generation of Exceptional Leaders

Nurturing leaders internally is essential for organizations for several reasons:

1. It helps to retain top talent and reduce employee turnover rates. When employees see opportunities for growth and development within the organization, they are likelier to stay with the company and contribute to its success.

2. It can reduce recruitment costs and time training new hires. When employees are promoted from within, they already understand the company culture, values, and processes, which means they can hit the ground running in their new role.

3. It can foster a culture of innovation and creativity within the organization.

Elizabeth Bickley has been instrumental in cultivating the next generation of exceptional leaders within Korn Ferry (KF) Health’s team through her inspiring leadership. Her approach is grounded in fundamental principles that serve as guiding lights for aspiring leaders. First and foremost, she leads by example, a testament to her unwavering commitment to the cause. She adheres to the fundamental yet profound principle of never asking her team to undertake tasks she wouldn't be willing to do herself.

This hands-on approach earns her team's respect and fosters a sense of unity and shared purpose.

Moreover, Elizabeth has a remarkable ability to recognize and articulate the impact that each team member brings to the table. By acknowledging individuals' unique strengths and contributions, she instills a sense of pride and confidence in her team, motivating them to excel. Her discerning eye for talent is reflected in her hiring philosophy – she seeks out individuals who are not just talented but also possess a brilliance that surpasses her own. She creates a team of diverse, skilled professionals, ensuring a rich tapestry of ideas and perspectives.

What truly sets Elizabeth apart is her genuine belief in the power of vulnerability. She openly demonstrates that acknowledging one's mistakes and limitations is not a sign of weakness but a mark of authenticity and strength. In an era marked by constant disruption, Elizabeth recognizes that future leaders must possess a unique skill set that goes beyond conventional norms. These emerging leaders must master performing seamlessly while driving transformative change within their organizations.

To this end, Elizabeth emphasizes crucial qualities often overlooked in traditional leadership paradigms: agility, collaboration, empathy, courage, and decisiveness. By championing these traits, she equips her team members with the tools they need to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape. Through her guidance, mentorship, and unwavering belief in her team's potential, Elizabeth empowers individuals, shaping them into the great leaders of tomorrow.

“In my tenure as COO at KF Health, I have endeavored to infuse our organization with qualities essential for transformation and success. One of the core aspects of our journey at KF has been the careful nurturing of our broader company culture,” says Elizabeth. “By fostering collaboration and trust among our team of experts, we have encouraged them to step out of their comfort zones and explore innovative ways to address our clients’ business challenges.”

Amid seismic shifts within the healthcare industry, KF Health’s mission stands firm: enabling individuals and organizations to surpass their potential and shape the future of healthcare. “We find ourselves amid waves of transformation, where the very fabric of care delivery is evolving, and consumers are engaging with the industry in unprecedented ways,” explains Elizabeth. “Healthcare providers, propelled by the pursuit of higher-quality care and improved outcomes, are challenged to drive efficiency, necessitating innovative delivery systems and fresh organizational strategies.

The surge in private healthcare capital, venture investments, and similar funding streams further complicate the landscape. This influx intensifies competition for high value exits and other crucial deals. In response, consolidation among payers and providers, coupled with deepening public-private partnerships, is not only attracting significant investments but also regulatory scrutiny. Simultaneously, global healthcare reform endeavors continue to reshape the entire sector.

Amidst this turbulence, healthcare organizations need robust structures, visionary strategies, and leaders equipped to navigate these disruptions. The ability to contend with these challenges and harness the opportunities they present has become paramount.KF’s healthcare solutions have demonstrated a track record of driving tangible results. Whether aligning people and organizations with their strategic vision, scaling the healthcare entity for rapid growth, establishing essential job competencies and incentives, or creating and evaluating an executive leadership pipeline, they have proven methodologies to address these critical needs.


KF Health


Elizabeth Bickley
KF Health


Korn Ferry is a global organizational consulting firm. We work with our clients to design optimal organization structures, roles, and responsibilities. We help them hire the right people and advise them on how to reward and motivate their workforce while developing professionals as they navigate and advance their careers.

Inspiring Women Leaders Magazine