Loren Ridinger, Co-Founder & Senior Executive Vice President of Market America Worldwide | SHOP.COM, Top 10 Inspiring Women Leaders of 2022 Profile

Jennifer Perri
Transformational Divorce & Empowerment Coach, 2x Best-Selling Author and CEO of SHERO Divorce & Empowerment Coaching

Loren Ridinger, Co-Founder & Senior Executive Vice President of Market America Worldwide | SHOP.COM, Top 10 Inspiring Women Leaders of 2022

Helping People Heal & Succeed

Jennifer Perri’s life experiences have included a substantial list of life changing challenges– abuse, divorce, loss, and periods of tremendous despair. Despite all those experiences, she overcame every obstacle and became a very successful, award-winning coach and consultant. As a survivor of domestic abuse, Jennifer believes women who have experienced trauma and divorce are chronically underestimated - widely viewed as broken and damaged goods. “So, I’ve committed myself to bring transformational change to how women rebuild their lives after the devastation. There is no one-size-fits-all plan when it comes to healing and subsequently transforming your life,” she says. “Many coaches and consultants try to force their clients through a predetermined program or cookie-cutter series of steps. You deserve a well-thought-out plan that takes your unique circumstances into consideration. And that’s EXACTLY what we deliver.” A solution for your individual journey to a better life.

According to Jennifer, during divorce — or any major time of transition — it’s hard to find the clarity and direction people need, especially when their brain is filled with scattered negative thoughts and the nervous system is on overdrive. Jennifer guides women out of the fog and teaches them how to make empowered decisions in their lives and with their money. “We help our clients create an independence plan that keeps them in the driver’s seat. We equip them with expert advice and surround them with a community that supports and encourages them,” adds Jennifer.

For the pioneering leader, there have been various sources of inspiration—the single mom, the divorcee, the survivor of domestic violence—fighting to overcome their trauma and survive in the world. “The women who have faced adversity and trauma, but who have found the strength to push forward and turn their wounds into wisdom,” states Jennifer. “These women who are making it happen, are giving their children a role model to look up to, they are the ones in control of their stories. Those women are the ones who inspire me.”

With strength and perseverance, Jennifer has taken her organization to great heights by helping women overcome their adversities. The mission of SHERO is to change the way women progress and heal from divorce and trauma. “When you go through any major life transition, it comes with trauma. This can cause people to get “stuck” in their circumstances and fall quickly into navigating life as a victim,” explains Jennifer. “Being a victim is not how I allow my clients to be viewed, or to view themselves. We cannot prevent things from happening to us in life, but we are in control of how we react to what happens. We help women rewrite their stories from a place of clarity and power, equipping them with the mindset and confidence to face whatever life throws at them.”

Going through a divorce can be a challenging and emotionally draining experience for anyone, but it can be incredibly hard for women. The process of ending a marriage and the legal and financial issues that often arise can leave women feeling overwhelmed, vulnerable, and powerless. However, with the right mindset and approach, it is possible for women to feel empowered and regain control of their lives during and after a divorce. Jennifer and her team help them rediscover who they are and teach them how to separate their emotions from the task, including preparing for mediation or communicating with an ex-partner. “We keep our clients forward focused and coach them on how to make empowered decisions when it comes to their divorce and in their lives moving forward,” she adds.

Jennifer’s goal is to make SHERO services available to people worldwide so that women in transition realize that no matter what they are facing, they don’t have to go at it alone. “We are adding to our team of experts, increasing our visibility and creating more opportunities for people to interact with our company and engage our services,” asserts Jennifer.

The road ahead hold many exciting things for Jennifer, personally and professionally. She has another book releasing soon and some documentaries that she has been working on as a producer. As for SHERO Coaching, she plans to expand globally and make more resources available to people committed to transforming their lives. In closing, Jennifer adds: “Women can connect with me to find out if working with a professional coach is a right fit for them. I offer complimentary clarity calls which can be scheduled on my calendar at www.talkwithjennifer.com,”.


SHERO Divorce & Empowerment Coaching


Jennifer Perri
Transformational Divorce & Empowerment Coach,
2x Best-Selling Author and CEO
SHERO Divorce & Empowerment Coaching


Shero educates and empowers women with resources that elevate financial literacy, mindset development and divorce support to create and cement true independence.

Inspiring Women Leaders Magazine