Loren Ridinger, Co-Founder & Senior Executive Vice President of Market America Worldwide | SHOP.COM, Top 10 Inspiring Women Leaders of 2022 Profile

Lily McNamara
Psychic Spiritual Advisor and owner at Lily of the Light LLC

Loren Ridinger, Co-Founder & Senior Executive Vice President of Market America Worldwide | SHOP.COM, Top 10 Inspiring Women Leaders of 2022

Lily McNamara is a Psychic Spiritual Advisor and owner of Lily of the Light LLC. They were incredibly blessed to have a supportive mom who saw their gifts as a blessing and started their training with a mentor at the young age of 10. This means they had the advantage of becoming a professional holistic practitioner when still a teenager and have now been seeing clients and changing lives for over 20 years. Trained in over a dozen modalities to treat the mind, body and spirit, Lily believes that every person is unique and needs a custom healing plan. Having a diverse background allows them to help as many people as possible. Lily shares that this is their life’s purpose, to help people.

Lily of the Light has had a whirlwind of success and achievement the past few years. From competing on The Blox, a reality show for entrepreneurs, to winning the Under 40 Award from Lavender Magazine, Best of and Hall of Fame for Holistic Medicine. The list goes on and on. Lily also enjoys being featured in magazine articles, podcasts and radio shows. “It’s a great way to spread knowledge and grow community. Holistic health should be accessible to everyone,” Lily explains. They also went international at the end of 2022, being able to help clients (remotely) around the world through 1-on-1 sessions and mentorships.

Lily confessed that their biggest achievement to date happened in October of 2022. When they single handedly put on a spiritual/pagan event that focused on inclusivity and showcased the diversity of the community. The Samhain Symposium has become an annual event put on by Lily of the Light every October. This year it will be held at the Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West, Plymouth MN on Saturday October 28th. An all day pagan event with a sprinkle of spirituality is like no other event. Including indoor and outdoor programming, psychic gallery, vendors and lunch all included. This event grows community support and showcases diversity. Lily admits they hope one day that the Samhain Symposium be one of the biggest pagan/spiritual events in the country. To help as many people as possible and embrace inclusivity.

Lily shares their biggest piece of advice for future leaders and aspiring healers: Stay true to yourself! If it doesn’t feel like your authentic path, don't follow it. While being open to new ideas and taking advice from those who have more experience is essential to growth, if it doesn't feel right to you, walk away.

Lily talked about how much time was wasted trying to conform to others' ideas of what innovation and success looked like. “Be a trailblazer, fearless and fabulous. Only way to change the world,” Lily said.

The values of Lily of the Light LLC are very simple and straightforward. To provide a safe and supportive environment for people to share their story and heal through events and services. To allow people the space to discover they are the hero of their own story and be empowered to act upon their dreams. Supporting people while they rock their authentic selves.

One of the things that sets Lily of the Light LLC apart is that every session, even retainer clients, is completely customized to fit the client’s needs in the present moment. This can include any number of services such as Reiki, Tarot, Psychic/Mediumship, guided meditation and more! Whether it’s a 15 minute session once or 60 minute sessions every month, it’s all about you and your needs. Lily’s commitment to their clients is heartwarming, believing that going above and beyond is something to strive for.

Lily of the Light LLC strives for excellence on a daily basis and achieves it. With such a strong commitment to helping people we can’t wait to see what Lily will do next.


Lily of the Light LLC


Lily McNamara
Psychic Spiritual Advisor and owner
Lily of the Light LLC


Lily offers services and events to help people be a holistic hero. They have been a Holistic Practitioner for the past 20 years. They are a psychic/medium certified in the art of energy healing including Reiki, as well as trained in guided meditation, past life work, tarot and more. Trained in over a dozen techniques from around the world. Helping people rock their authentic selves while being the hero of their own story.

Inspiring Women Leaders Magazine